
 Unlocking the innovative potential of employees Since the previous decades, promoting the innovative potential of employees played a challenging role for HR Professionals. Unfortunately, in many organizations the routine tasks (ex: meetings) have reduced the time and space for developing new ideas and innovating capabilities of employees. It can be identified that in most of the organizations a proper job design and analysis hasn’t been planned or conducted for a long time, which has led to build up a stressful workplace for employees with reduced potential for innovation. Nowadays, organizational researchers are exerting more efforts to explore innovative behavior of employees because it is imperative for efficient and effective performance of organizations and employees (Anwar, et al., 2020). Employee satisfaction and the quality of performance can be motivated by providing a well defined job role which creates an employee with a creative mind set where the innovation has its ow...
            👉     Observation Method HR specialists can use this strategy to watch employees in their regular activities. Because it is based on first-hand experience, data gathered via observation is extremely helpful and dependable. An employee is observed and all of his or her completed and uncompleted tasks, fulfilled and unfulfilled obligations and duties, techniques, approaches, and skills utilized to do various chores, and mental or emotional competence to handle obstacles and hazards are all recorded by a job analyst. However, while it appears to be one of the simplest approaches for analyzing a certain work, it is actually the most challenging. It is owing to the fact that everyone observes things in their own unique way. Different people have different perspectives and interpret the data differently. As a result, the process may be tainted by human biases or preferences, and the outcomes may not be authentic. This mistake may ...
            👉      Questionnaire Method Another typical employment analysis strategy is to have employees, their bosses, and managers fill out questionnaires. This strategy, however, is subject to personal prejudice. When crafting questions for different levels of employees, extreme caution should be exercised. Management should properly explain to the workers that the data collected will be utilized for their own gain in order to obtain accurate job-related information. It's critical to reassure them that their information will not be used against them in any way. It will be a complete waste of time, money, and human resources if it is not done effectively (, 2022) . It can be open-ended, multiple choices, checklists or a mix of all of them. Questionnaires used for job analysis collect information about all aspects that influence how a job is done, including internal and external factors. These are the mos...