What is job analysis and job design?

According to (leverageedu.com, 2022) Job analysis is assessing and analyzing a job in terms of
the tasks, responsibilities, skills, tools, knowledge, and expertise needed to properly complete the
job requirement. These criteria aid in determining the work's requirements as well as the skills
and talents required of the employee in order to accomplish the job successfully. Job analysis
helps with job descriptions, staff selection and recruitment, training and development, and
performance reviews, among other things.


 A word cloud of job analysis related items

Job analysis is a process that determines the tasks and responsibilities of the occupations, as well
as the nature of the jobs, and then determines the qualifications, abilities, and knowledge that are
necessary for an employee to do a certain job.  Job analysis aids in determining which duties are
critical and how they are carried out. Later HR operations such as building successful training
programs, selecting personnel, establishing performance criteria, and evaluating employees are
all based on job analysis. Job description and job specification are outcomes of job analysis.

Job design is the process through which work is structured and particular tasks and
responsibilities are assigned to people or groups. It comes after job analysis. Job design
determines how job duties are organized in order to achieve maximum efficiency and best
results.   Job scope identifying numerous activities to be completed and responsibilities to be
assumed , and job depth mentioning the autonomy that the employee enjoys in accepting
ownership and responsibility of their work are two components of job design
(differencebetween.com, 2013) .

Goals of Job Design

A smart job design will take into account the performance goals that must be met as well as the
skills and talents that an employee must possess. Job enlargement, rotation, and enrichment are
further characteristics of job design. When the volume and diversity of work that needs to be
accomplished is increased, workers will have more opportunity to learn and grow. Workers will
be able to switch occupations and get experience in a variety of professions as a result of job
rotation. When a person is provided additional possibilities for better success and responsibility,
it is referred to as job enrichment, and it is used to encourage people and promote job satisfaction
(differencebetween.com, 2013) .

differencebetween.com, 2013. differencebetween.com. [Online]
Available at: https://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-job-analysis-and-vs-job-
design/[Accessed 07 04 2022].

leverageedu.com, 2022. leverageedu.com. [Online]
Available at: https://leverageedu.com/blog/job-analysis-and-job-
%20the%20organization.[Accessed 7 04 2022].


  1. it helps to get a simple idea for the topic, but the job analysis is very deep subject, Job Analysis is considered one of the most important activities performed by a human resource manager. There are some of components we can find in the job analysis.
    1.Job Position
    2.Job Description
    3.Job Worth

    in the other thing is job analysing process we can summarise as follow
    -Job Specific Competency Determination
    -Developing a Job Description
    -Developing a Job Specification
    if you bring your article with describing those things it will get great idea about the Job analysis.
    any way we got some idea with reading your article. Thanks brother.

    1. Yes dear, This topi is very complex & deep.In my first article i wanted to give simple idea about job design & job analysis.However HR mangers should have well understanding about HR needs in their organizations.HR managers takes proper decisions if they have good knowledge about job design & job analysis.As you said in your comment i hope to explain those areas under this topic in my blog posts.Thank you very much.

  2. Yes dear, This topi is very complex & deep.In my first article i wanted to give simple idea about job design & job analysis.However HR manegers should have well understanding about HR needs in their organizations.HR managers takes proper decisions if they have good knowledge about job design & job analysis.As you said in your comment i hope to explain those areas under this topic in my blog posts.Thank you very much.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Job design is the process of Work arrangement (or rearrangement) aimed at reducing or overcoming job dissatisfaction and employee alienation arising from repetitive and mechanistic tasks. Through job design, organizations try to raise productivity levels by offering non-monetary rewards such as greater satisfaction from a sense of personal achievement in meeting the increased challenge and responsibility of one's work. Job enlargement, job enrichment, job rotation, and job simplification are the various techniques used in a job design exercise.

    ---businessdictionary.com [ online]

  5. Job analysis is the formal process by which an organization collects job information to make a variety of job decisions, and a job is a collection of tasks or activities that need to be accomplished to achieve organizational goals. These objectives are well documented in this article.

  6. From the eye of a manager in an organization, effective selection of candidates is important. Right person for right job and right job for right person is very important.
    If the manager fails in job analysis / job planning, there is a high probability of hiring and selecting the wrong people.
    Choosing the wrong person complicates job planning. To achieve maximum efficiency, proper job planning is required to achieve organizational goals. Therefore, without proper knowledge of job planning and job analysis, the company will not be able to achieve its objectives as he / she will not be able to determine the suitability of a candidate / employee and will not be assigned a job properly.


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